Leeftijd: 32 Geslacht:  Sterrenbeeld: 
Berichten: 2
Geplaatst: zo 30 dec 2018 16:49 Onderwerp: Luxembourg CNS |
Goedemiddag. Sinds een aantal jaren werk ik voor een Luxemburgs bedrijf met een Luxemburgs contract. Nou was ik laatst voor het eerst een paar dagen ziek en zodoende kreeg ik te maken met het CNS. Wat ik allemaal wel en vooral niet mag bij ziekte en wat ik het CNS moest aanleveren. Ik vroeg mij af, als leek, of dit wel mag? Is dit niet Europees geregeld? Wellicht is het de “vrijgevochten Nederlander†in mij maar ik schrok er eerlijk gezegd van.
Ook moest ik een doktersverklaring aanleveren waarvan mijn Nederlandse huisarts zei dat hij dit officieel niet mag doen maar op aandringen van mij toch mee wilde helpen.
Ik verneem het graag en alvast bedankt!
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The person declared sick is not allowed to leave the house during the frst 5 days of his incapacity for work (despite any contrary indications on the medical certifcate). From the 6th day onwards (as long as the doctor did not advise against a permission to leave the house), the person declared sick is allowed to leave the house between 10am -12 noon and between 2pm - 6pm.
People who are unable to work due to sickness are not allowed to:
do any sports activities (unless medically indicated) ;
participate in any kind of activity unsuitable for their state of health;
stay in a food and drink establishment, except to have a meal starting from the 1st day of incapacity for work and only if they have previously informed the CNS by phone, fax or e-mail.
People declared sick must indicate to the CNS the exact address (location, street, house number, floor…) at which they will be staying during the incapacity for work. Should this address be different to the usual place of residence, the medical certifcate must indicate this address or it can be communicated to the CNS via phone, fax or e-mail.
People who are unable to work can leave the house for the necessary appointments for the Medical Board of the Social Security, the attending physician or any other health professional. If applicable, these absences need to be documented by the person concerned.
The administrative control is carried out by the CNS between 8am and 9pm at the home of the person declared sick respectively at the address indicated as his place of stay during his incapacity. This control affects not only residents, but also cross-border workers and can take place starting from the frst day of the incapacity for work. During an administrative control, a protocol is issued. In the case of an absence, a note is delivered notifying the person of the control.
In this case, the absence has to be justifed by the person within 3 working days following the date of the control. |
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