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An international student NEED HELP!!!
Moderators: Nemine contradicente, StevenK, Moderator Team

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Leeftijd: 39
Geslacht: Vrouw
Sterrenbeeld: Stier
Studieomgeving (BA): OU

Berichten: 4

BerichtGeplaatst: do 24 jun 2010 5:42    Onderwerp: An international student NEED HELP!!! Reageer met quote Naar onder Naar boven

On 29th, Apr. when i was leaving the house, i showed J. Strockmeijer(the landlady) there are some facilities are broken and I asked her if it was possible to repair them when i was away for about 9 days to China and Switzerland, and I would be back on 9th , May, if everything goes well. She said she will repair them and told me she could take care of my two cats( L.B&L.J) when I was away, I was very glad that she would like to do it, because normally I asked her to take care of the cats for 1 or 2 days, if it is several days, I always send cats to my friend, but she offered it this time. I told her I had prepared food, water and two toilets for the cats, If it was necessary, there were also several packages of cats food, what she needed to do were just adding water and cleaning the tolilets. And if the cats were sick, I would pay for the vet fees when I came back. If there was something happened, call me. I especially told her if my cats came downstairs( I never lock cats in any rooms and cages) and walked around, maybe they needed something like food,etc. . She said ok.

8th, May. In the late afternoon, I got a sms from a cellphone number which I don't know, the text was about my cats need attention. Because I don't know this number, so I called J. Strockmeijer immediately when I found the message in the early evening. On the phone, I asked what happened and if the cats did something bad, J. Strockmeijer didn't mention anything about they called police, animal protection and they sent cats away, she only told me my cats were ok and asked when I came back. I told her I would be back on 9th. She said ok.

9th, May. My flight to the Netherlands was cancelled because of volcano eruption. So I called J. Strockmeijer and informed her that I could not go back to the Netherlands because of volcano eruption and I would try my best to be there on 10th, May. I also asked her about my cats, but her answer was still the same, the cats are ok. Still, she did not mention anything about they called police, animal protection and they sent cats away.
After the call, I felt really weird and felt maybe there was something wrong, because a stranger sent a sms about the cats, but when I called J. Strockmeijer, she did not mention anything about the cats. With all the worries, I tried my best to buy a train ticket from Switzerlands to the Netherlands on 10th, May.

10th, May. At about 22:20, I was finally back to the house. J. Strockmeijer opened the front door and said we needed to have a talk now. Her face and tone showed very obviously that I could not say no. So I fellow her into her living room without going upstairs(my place). After entering the room, I asked her again if my cats did something wrong, she said : “your cats broke my stuff, they are old expensive stuff, it is about 2000 eur, and your cats are ok now. After I gave her money, and she said she would call two friends of hers ( Mevrouw Buwalda and Melanie Buwalda) to come over to help. Then she just called her friends when I was still confused.
After several minutes, her friends came over, and we started our “talk”. First, the two women said they would represent J. Strockmeijer to talk to me. The two ladies said : “you don't care about the cats, you tortured them and locked them in a little room, then left them for 10 days, no food, no water, you let them die on purpose. ” When I heard it, I was shocked, and I said: “ it is not possible, J. Strockmeijer said she would take care of them.” Two women stopped my talk and said: “ there is no excuse, you just wanna kill your cats. Also your cats made noises and damaged the wall and the carpet, so you have to repay J. Strockmeijer. And we have called animal protection and police, they all say what you did to the cats is no humanity, they will send you letters later. The police also gave us permission to enter your place and sent cats away to the cats hotel which our friend Mr. Lochtenberg owns it, and the police told us do not tell you anything about the cats until J. Strockmeijer receives your money and sign the paper( it is about money and what happened when I was away), then we will tell you where your cats are, otherwise you can not leave the house and see the cats.” Until they said these words, I knew what happened. So I said: “ the cats are my property, I have the right to know where they are and who is with them. You did not inform me in advance and just moved my cats away which is not legal.” The two women said : “we sent you sms but you did not reply and unreachable.”and I told them that was not true, I did not know the number but I called J. Strockmeijer immediately when I saw the sms. So the two women asked if I called her, J. Strockmeijer said yes. So I asked J. Strockmeijer why she did not call me( she knows my callphone number) before it happened. J. Strockmeijer said it s too expensive to call me, which is not true. before I had told her if I am not in the Netherlands, she still can call me, because the person who she calls will pay for the long-distance call fee, not she pays, she only needs to pay a local in-country call, that is why I always tell J. Strockmeijer do not hesitate to call me if it is necessary. She knows that. However, the two women said they don't care about it, and again, they asked me to pay and sign the paper. And I said I didn't have so much money with me and since I was away, I had no idea what you did, why I should sign the paper to admit everything is true. They were really angry when I refused to sign the paper, the two women threw the pen to my face, stroke and hit the table and started to threaten me that they know people at the police office, cityhall, tax institution and other government and legal organizations and also teachers at my school. If I don't pay the money and sign the paper, they would make me a bad record and that will affect my study and renewing my ID. And Melanie Buwalda said : “ I am a teacher and my words is more powerful than yours. If you pay and sign the paper, it will be over, we will not tell others( the truth is a lot of people have already heard the story from them). If you don't do it, we will tell your school , police and IND that you are an animal abuser, I guess in the end you will leave this country without finishing your study. Don't even think about looking for help from others, you are just a Chinese student, you are even not a dutch citizen. Nobody will believe your words, and we will play it with you until the end!” What she said really scared me and forced me to pay the money and signed the paper in the end.

When I entered my room, it was really messy. Especially the area for the documents, paperwork and studybooks. Especially the folder for the cats’ documents, paper is everywhere on the floor. In the following days, I also found some studybooks and paperwork missing. And in the end I found some in the trash bin, where trash covered the books, and some books can not be founded anymore.
11th, May, Mevrouw Buwalda, Melanie Buwalda, J. Strockmeijer, a friend of mine and I went to the cat hotel together. I saw my cats were much smaller than when I left them, and they were locked in a big cage with other cats, sharing food, everything with other cats. I asked Mr. Lochtenberg if I could have them into my arms, he said no, I asked why, he said that is his company policy. I told him that I would like to pick up the cats and my friend would take care of them. Mr. Lochtenberg, Mevrouw Buwalda, Melanie Buwalda and J. Strockmeijer all refused to give my cats back. Their reason is the cats are mine, I can not give cats to anyone or sell them, only the hotel can sell the cats. And they say I have to tell them my new living address, and they will send people to check if new place is ok for the cats, if not, the cats will be kept in the hotel. Mr. Lochtenberg said to me that the cats are mine, but they have to stay with me forever in a new place. In the end, my friend and I had to leave the hotel because they refused to give us the cats.

J. Strockmeijer kept threatening me in the following days with the housing contract and the paper I was forced to sign. She said I could not move out before next year, and after several days she changed her words again, said I could not move out before this Sep., then she changed her words again, said I should inform her two months in advance( About the housing contract issue, in the end it is solved, I officially can leave before 1st , July, and I paid rent for June, again, she refused to give me any receipts.)

I was threatened and scared seriously in the past weeks, even if I went to the police to ask for help, they did not show up on time to help me, but they told me they only gave J. Strockmeijer the permission to move the cats out of that little room, but not to the hotel, paperwork or money.

Since the end of Feb. 2010, I have told J. Strockmeijer that my internship( be away 6 months) will start soon and I prefer a cheaper room, and I also need to renew my ID in June. She said it was ok for her and she also said I could take my time to find a new place. And she asked that I could give the cats to her son and her friends, but I told her that I would take my cats as hand luggages to China this summer holiday.

Last winter, J. Strockmeijer gave me the permission ( she broke the contract first) to have two cats in the house. Before March, 2010, there was nothing bad happened in the house. After the one year contract is finished, from March to Apr.,2010, J. Strockmeijer asked for so called damaged fee many times, in total, it is more than 3000 eur, most is for her so called antiques collection, such as gold, silver, diamonds plated plates, bowls and bottles. And my cats had been locked in the basement more than 12hours several times. The explaination from J. Strockmeijer is : by accident.

My two cats have been in the so called cats hotel for more than one month, and the price on the website is 7 eur one cat per day, no matter what kind of cats, but the owner of the cats hotel said my cats are very special( I never know my cats are “special” and I see that they are locked and share the same food and facilities with other cats together), so the price will be much more expensive than 7 eur per day.

The bill for the cats hotel for May is 499 eur. Mr. Lochtenberg never directly contacts me or calls me( He knows my cellphone number), insteadily, he always contacted my school . 9th June, he called my school and on 10th June, the teacher sent me an email, following is a paragraph from the email:
He had heard that you moved out from the house of Mrs. Strockmeijer.
He asks you to come over and pick up the cats. He knows from ms. Buwalda that you went to a lawyer.
Ms. Buwalda has told him that Mrs. Strockmeijer went to a lawyer too.
He knows that your lawyer has demanded Mrs. Strockmeijer to pay the costs of the cats.
Yet he askes you to get the cats now and pay the costs. You can get the amount back later from Mrs. Strockmeijer, so he said, in case the law decides she should pay.
Mr. Lochtenberg has sent the bill for the month of May to your former address. These costs are €499,- .

My teacher asked him that my name wants to give the cats to her friend, why you refuse to give the cats to her. Mr. Lochtenberg changed his words again, he said he thought I have no friends in the Netherlands. The truth is my friend and I were in the cats hotel to ask to get the cats back and Mr. Lochtenberg refused it.

So far I haven’t picked my cats up yet, because besides the payment, I still need to sign a paper that who picks up the cats, and if I sign this paper, does it prove that I agree on what happened to the cats and I should be the one that takes all the responsibilities? I cant trust their words anymore. No one can guarantee that J. Strockmeijer would pay for the cats hotel fee, and they all insist that the cats are Xin’s, so Xin should pay all the bills no matter who sends the cats to the hotel, they just obey the laws and do the procedure.

Mr. Lochtenberg, Mevrouw Buwalda, Melanie Buwalda and J. Strockmeijer tried to use their effect to ruin my reputation, they tell people that im an animal abuser and tried to kill the two cats no food no water and make them very dirty. The story they made up has misguarded a lot of people and also cause me a lot of inconvenience in my daily life. Also someone has put the articles on internet with my real name, and people in Emmen and in Deventer ( because the cats seller is from Deventer and they told the seller that I torture cats ) heard the story as well. J. Strockmeijer is quite “ good” in Emmen, I really want to reveal every ugly truth I know about her, but people around me don't believe me and don't help me. What can I do? Who can I really trust and go to?

“TNT express Matter”
One day in March, 2010, when I came back from school, J. Strockmeijer told me she signed a parcel for me from TNT express, and she paid 48,13 euro for the parcel and there was no any receipts from TNT express. So I gave 48,13 euro to her.
After several weeks, I got a letter from TNT express, the Factuurdatum was 31/03/10, asking for the payment of 48,13 euro. I was very confused when I got this letter, so I asked J. Strockmeijer if she paid it or not. She was very angry at me and yelled at me: “ You don't trust me! I am a Christian and im already over 70 years old, I will not lie to you. It must be a mistake from TNT express”. And she put her hands on her heart, and said: “ Don't make me angry, I have heart attack”. Her health is always good and I don't know if she really has heart attack or not, but I was very afraid of it.
Later, I received a letter with the Herinneringsdatum was 17.04.2010, the amount was 48,13 euro, and she told me just ignoring the letter, TNT express always does this kind of stupid things. And she kept saying herself is a very honest Christian. To avoid her so called heart attack, I kept silent.
The third letter from TNT express was dated on 4 mei 2010, it was the final warning, the amount was 63,13 euro( later I paid by my bank account). J. Strockmeijer was extremely unhappy with it. She asked me: “ Why TNT express always sent letters to you? Do you guys always contact each other? I don't know what you and TNT express talked about, but I don't like paperwork. You ask them do not send any letters to my house anymore!” I realized that I could not trust her anymore, because she has asked a lot of money from me without any receipts. TNT express’letters reminded me a lot of things.
Later, I called Credit Control of TNT express, and the worker checked the system and it showed that J. Strockmeijer signed the parcel, but didn't pay anything. When I talked about this issue with her, she was really emotional and kept saying TNT express and I made up the whole story just to steal money from the poor old woman. I knew she likes changing her words and denying everything, so I gave her the TNT express phone number. After she talked with Credit Control, she told people that she is very shamed of dutch people, especially TNT express, she will accuse. And people in this little Village all believe her story, because she is old, and im just an international student. I also went to the police, but they didn't care.

The amount of cash I have paid for so far (euro): 7140( housing rent is 420 per month, and in the contract, she clearly says I have to pay everything in cash, J. Strockmeijer wont accept any bank payment or cheques) for contrated time from 1st ,March 2009 to 1st , July 2010+3000 for cats damage fee +2000 for cats damage fee+612,50 for cats damage fee+48,13 for J. Strockmeijer +63,13 for TNT express administration because of J. Strockmeijer + 400(borg)+ unestimated amount for many times reparing the facilities before

The amount of money I still need to pay : + 499 for cat hotel bill in May +unknown amount for cat hotel bill in June+ unknown amount for hiring a professional cleaning company as J. Strockmeijer requests+ potential payment that J. Strockmeijer asks for the repairing facilities in the house, etc.

Again, J. Strockmeijer always says she is very old, and she doesn't know how to write a receipt, and I wrote the receipts and asked her to sign it, she refused it and always says her paperwork is all organized by Mevrouw Buwalda and Melanie Buwalda, she will not sign anything until they say yes. And every time I wanted receipts, J. Strockmeijer was always angry at me and kept saying that I didn't trust this old Christian, and touched her heart and talked about her heart attack. That's her cash trick.

I only have two receipts from J. Strockmeijer, and my current lawyer says she cant help me about this anymore, because I have no proof and J. Strockmeijer has a lot of proof and witnesses, and the lawyer and school all ask me to forget the whole thing, just pay no matter how much they ask, and pick up my cats. I strongly feel I cant trust my current lawyer anymore.

What can I do? Who can I really trust and go to? Is there still any justice for foreign student here? I want to go to the courts, but I even haven’t found my new lawyer yet. And the only legal advice I get is: forget the whole thing, pay whatever they ask, pick up your cats, even if you go to the courts, judge will not believe you, because you don't have enough proof and witnesses, and J. Strockmeijer has the paper with your signature and three witnesses, plus you still need to pay more money for the lawyer and judge, it is a dead case, no worth to paying more, you will 100% lose this case in the courts.

I am not saying I want every euro back, but my reputation and the justice is more important to me. Is it wrong? And why is it so difficult?

Here is my contact phone number: XXXX (Send me a personal message through the forum)

EDIT: Anonymised your post, to prevent potential negative consequences
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Leeftijd: 35
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Sterrenbeeld: Leeuw
Studieomgeving (BA): UL

Berichten: 173

BerichtGeplaatst: do 24 jun 2010 21:42    Onderwerp: Reageer met quote Naar onder Naar boven

Are your cats supposed not to have been around her house? (just in your place?)
Did she let them down?
If so that constitutes an action on her part for which she is responsible if they caused damage.

Is there a clause about damages in the conract?
As owner you are usually responsible for them yes.

Any damage they caused because they were mistreated by her would fall in her proverbial lap however as a consequence of her neglect or letting them down whilst they normally stay up.
The trouble would then be proving this neglect. You informed her you were going away, she knew you had cats, she was asked to look after them for a while. You paid her? Bought Cat food and such? Called to check up on your cats?
Do you still have the cellphone records showing that you called her on those dates? That would constitute a breach of their credibility clearly but it would also prove to your merit that you checked up on your pets.

If this is not the case it might be possible to request if your phone company could make this data available to you for your case in a lawsuit?

Have you checked this site?
0900-1411 - their number (40cnts a minute to max 30 euro) for direct legal advice.

It allows you to locate a civil lawyer in a place near you and shows the tariffs. (cheap usually) They may be of more professional assistance.

By what you've told me it sounds like you are the victim of people seeking to profit from your insecure situation and handicapped ability to communicate in Dutch.

It is a good thing that you take this seriously and while I wouldn't directly fear for the IND being that you are a student (not really an economic immigrant) and have your own side of the story I would encourage you to seek council and make sure these people don't victimize you or anyone else again. (assuming your story checks out Smile )

Also, these people don't define who you are or how others see you. Tell your side of the story and you may very well find the people you are so involved with may have a reputation for such things. (former renters perhaps can also confirm your story?)

Regards and Goodluck!

PS. I suspect the reason this is difficult is because you are a foreigner. This means that you have an inherent communicational handicap and makes it harder to gather information as well as find out what to do. In a political sense you could try appealing to several news papers as well as the city council and university with your story. This could get you some extra attention as well as help. Besides if anything you might get your own side of the story out. You can mail them or sent them letters just make sure to explain your situation in a short and conclusive way. A good starting point for this could also be a regional news paper; they are usually more interested in these sorts of cases.
Just do make sure you keep to the facts and don't give her any ammunition to start a suit for damaging her reputation. (unnecessary profanity, exaggeration etc.. Be civil)

Now that I mention it, you are a student, have you not apraised your university of this problem and enlisted their aid? They usually have people to deal with these things concerning international students

Laatst aangepast door BartjeD op vr 25 jun 2010 15:19, in totaal 6 keer bewerkt
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BerichtGeplaatst: vr 25 jun 2010 10:48    Onderwerp: Reageer met quote Naar onder Naar boven

this woman is evading taxes and this is the reason there are no receipts. If there is nothing on paper about the rent, you can leave the place totally wrecked.
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Nemine contradicente
Nemine contradicente

Leeftijd: 45
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Sterrenbeeld: Steenbok
Studieomgeving (BA): UvT
Studieomgeving (MA): UvT
Berichten: 2250

BerichtGeplaatst: vr 25 jun 2010 13:24    Onderwerp: Reageer met quote Naar onder Naar boven

BartjeD schreef:
[...]Do you still have the cellphone records showing that you called her on those dates? [...]
If you use any of the following providers you can check your telephone bill on-line;
If this is not the case it might be possible to request if your phone company could make this data available to you for your case in a lawsuit?
Very good idea. I am certain if you contact your provider they will help you. (You do not need to tell them all the information) Just tell them you want the bill for April / May (again). (They might charge your 2 or 3 Euro for it though)
It is a good thing that you take this seriously and while I wouldn't directly fear for the IND [...]
Exactly don't fear the IND, this whole situation is (as far as I know) totally irrelevant for the IND. (If you are really scared about the IND, I could call a former study-colleague of mine who now works at the IND and ask him about it (indirectly).
geerdt schreef:
this woman is evading taxes and this is the reason there are no receipts.
This is indeed (or at least very likely) the reason she doesn not give you, or sign, any receipts. It could be interesting to (indirectly) ask her again for receipts, and tell her the reason you are asking is that you would like to fill in your (Dutch / Chinese) tax-returns and you need proof on paper of your living expenses per year. She will probably tell you, she does not like the idea of you contacting the (Dutch) tax office, and make up a story about why you should not contact them. But do realise she is evading taxes. According to this FAQ list of the Dutch government, income generated through renting out a room was tax exempt up to €4144 in 2009 (€4262 in for 2010). Seeing you pay / paid €420 a month, in 2009 she received 10*420 = €4200 from you. (So she HAD to declare taxes on that income).
If you want to contact the Dutch tax office, make sure you have a copy of your rental agreement. I am quite certain the tax office would be interested in the fact you paid €420 a month cash without obtaining receipts for it...
Regarding the damages, I would ask for official bills for the damages and/or an estimate of the expensive items your cats (allegedly) damaged / destroyed.
Regarding the "document" you signed, don't worry about it too much, if your case comes in front of a judge any (good) lawyer will (easily) make short shrift of the legal value of this "document". If the facts are as you describe, I would unequevocally say that "document" was signed under duress.

Good luck.
Please Keep us up to date about the case, we might be able to help you more if you have other / more (or specific) questions.

geerdt schreef:
If there is nothing on paper about the rent, you can leave the place totally wrecked.
Disregard that comment. The last thing you want to do in this situation is aggrevate the already troubled relationship you have with your tennant.

PS: It might be an option to withhold payment of the rent for the coming months unless you get a receipt that you paid.
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Nemine contradicente
Nemine contradicente

Leeftijd: 45
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Studieomgeving (BA): UvT
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Berichten: 2250

BerichtGeplaatst: vr 25 jun 2010 13:48    Onderwerp: Reageer met quote Naar onder Naar boven

babyxin schreef:
Now my lawyer officially drops my case. And the lawyer offices i have contacted so far all refuse to take my case. And the reason they told me is :" we are busy". I guess i will "disappear without being noticed in this country"!!! Finally the devil won. Cant anyone here give me some advice????
BartjeD schreef:
Why did your lawyer drop the case? Calm down and gather yourself. There will be no dissapearing and this has nothing to do with religion.

Some people did you a bad turn this does not define who you are or will become.

Also, was your lawyer specialized in a certain sector? Was it applicable in your case? You hired someone from a field relevant to your case? Or were you unable to understand this? (maybe that's why he dropped???)

Have you checked this site?
It allows you find lawyers in your area for civil suits at relatively low costs. (Civil - Between people, broad field)

On another note, you are a student here and your university is usually equipped to deal with these sorts of issues or at the very least to assist you in them.
If you haven't already you should really sit down and ask them for some help. If this doesn't work perhaps remind them gently that it would reflect very badly on their treatment of international students if they just let you dangle.
Topics merged, please only use 1 thread.
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Nemine contradicente
Nemine contradicente

Leeftijd: 45
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Sterrenbeeld: Steenbok
Studieomgeving (BA): UvT
Studieomgeving (MA): UvT
Berichten: 2250

BerichtGeplaatst: ma 28 jun 2010 20:22    Onderwerp: Reageer met quote Naar onder Naar boven

Has anything changed yet?
I am curious what the current state of affairs is.
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Nemine contradicente
Nemine contradicente

Leeftijd: 45
Geslacht: Man
Sterrenbeeld: Steenbok
Studieomgeving (BA): UvT
Studieomgeving (MA): UvT
Berichten: 2250

BerichtGeplaatst: di 29 jun 2010 10:53    Onderwerp: Reageer met quote Naar onder Naar boven

babyxin schreef:
things are getting worse and more ugly. These days just happened a lot of things which no good for me, only good for that bitch!! i will upload more details later. And still looking for the new lawyer~~~ anyone can give me some good lawyers contacts? And i also contacted some media such as " Das je goed recht", unfortunately they dont care. Mad Crying or Very sad
bona fides schreef:
This is not your private forum. Stick to one thread. And stop using colours and bold, since that only puts everybody else off.
Please use only one thread, and do NOT start new ones everytime.
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Leeftijd: 35
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Studieomgeving (BA): UL

Berichten: 173

BerichtGeplaatst: vr 02 jul 2010 13:10    Onderwerp: Reageer met quote Naar onder Naar boven

You can also send an E-mail with your experiences to this adress:

They are specifically looking for feedback from International Students and it may get you noticed.

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Leeftijd: 39
Geslacht: Vrouw
Sterrenbeeld: Stier
Studieomgeving (BA): OU

Berichten: 4

BerichtGeplaatst: di 31 aug 2010 21:19    Onderwerp: EMERGENCY!!!!!!!!!!!! Reageer met quote Naar onder Naar boven

Finally the whole case will go to the court this Thursday, the 2nd of September at 10:00 am. The address of the court is:

Rechtbank Assen
Sector Kanton, Locatie Emmen
Hoofdstraat 6
7811 EN Emmen

My friends and classmates all go to internship, so on this thursday only my lawyer and i go to the court, but the bitch is a local person, with hundreds of her so called christian friends, pooooo~~~~~ And this bitch hired a lawyer at the last minute, so today my lawyer and i received a letter from her lawyer, it is 26 pages in dutch and i dont know dutch!!!!! My lawyer just asked me to read the letter and see if i wanna respond anything, but but but but i dont know dutch!!!!!! I need a better translation!!!! Is there anyone can help me ???? please contact me either by phone call 0619085444 or msn:

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